my letterpress, finally...

Letterpress is a dying art but lucky for us it seems to be coming back in vogue and new letterpress shops are popping up all over the place.  When working with my graphic designer to source packaging for my jewelry it became painfully obvious that finding a high quality, affordable option made in the good ole US of A was going to be really, really difficult.  I am glad I stuck to my guns and worked with a local expert.  Here is my finished product...

This is my business card which is doubling as a seal for an heavy textured paper envelope with gussets to make it a shallow box.

This is what you will find when you open the envelope, an insert card with the jewelry attached.

 Another view, I took these in the car- hey, the light was good:)

By the way Erica Anne De Flamand laid all of this out for me and introduced me to Crayton Heritage Letterpress who did all the letterpress.  Thanks guys for all your hard work and putting up with me, I know I am a HUGE pain in the butt:).