decisions, decisions...

So the kitchen renovation is almost done and I think it's pretty much on a daily basis that my husband asks me what color we should paint the kitchen. 

We still have to get the back splash up- a simple white subway tile and the floors finished- a medium warm oak- to match the old school floors we have in the rest of the house. I think it might make my decision easier to have all the colors in the room but then it's a matter of choosing the perfect shade and of course I'm ready to go bold. 

There will actually be very little of this paint in the room- most of the walls are filled up by the massive window or door ways.

I am feeling the citrus tones lately, what do you think?

 I really think I'm leaning toward the green.  I've been wanting to go with green ever since I painted this room (only the wall you can see is pink, all the others are white)...


Which I still love after 3+ years.

Ooooh, I can't wait to get that paint up now! 

Have you gone bold in any of your rooms?  Please share!


images via: freshhome, shelterness, homecreate, hgtv, realsimple, elldecor, yourdecoratinghotline, housebeautiful