wrap it up

I have a show coming up at the end of the month and I've been thinking about all I'll need for the show, packaging, display set up, business cards, promotional materials, all that.   And of course with those thoughts I've been spending too much time combing the internet for the coolest of solutions.  I've been plugged into Etsy lately, watching all of the great videos they have on setting up a shop, selling to stores, taking the best pictures of your product, if you haven't tuned into this resource you are missing out my friend (of course that is if you are interested in selling your handmade goods).  And because of all the time I've been spending on Etsy of course this is first place I looked for ideas.

It's amazing what some cute packaging can do, it made we want to buy a bunch of things I don't even need.  Here are some of my favorites...

via paperjacks

via knotandbow

via twopaperaddicts

via giftwrapsopretty

via marmalime

via smilingtag

Man doesn't that make you want go wrap up a package all cute?  Me too.