the writing on the wall

As you probably know I am totally obsessed with cool typography.  I'd really love my hallways to be covered with beautiful words that mean something to me, inspire me or provoke my thoughts- not sure if the husband would go for that but he only gets 1/2 a vote on these type of things since I went to art school and he is an engineer (sorry babe, I still love you:)xoxox).  If I was going to actually do that I would definitely have to get some only like Dana Tanamachi to come over and hook me up- you think if I liquiored her up she'd trade for some jewelry?;)

You may not recognize the name but I bet you've seen Dana's beautiful work...

February cover, I think, no?  how about...

Okay if those don't look familiar then someone must have stolen your holiday West Elm catalog out of you mail box this past winter. 

Anyway I just love Dana's work so I thought I'd share...



Can you believe this is all FREE HAND?????  Well BELIEVE IT!!!  The proof is inthe pudding, or the time lapse video. ( if you can't see it for some reason)


Garden & Gun from Dana Tanamachi on Vimeo.


Talented and cute- did you notice she works in a skirt?  In case you were wondering so do I.