giving thanks

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  I have so much to be thankful this year.

Mostly I'm thankful for my family, they are really some of the most kind, loving and supportive people you'll ever meet. 

My parents are generous in all ways and loving to no end, my sister is someone I would catch a grenade for, my grandparents are examples of the type of people I can only hope to one day be and my husband is not only handsome, hard working and incredibly patient but is also a saint who loves me even when it probably seems impossible.

I honestly could not ask for a better family- including my aunts and uncles and cousins and even my in-laws (gasp! yes, my in-laws:)).  I'm so happy and thankful to have a family like this for the little one that will join the world and this awesome family in a few months. :)

I was sad that this was the first year I was not with my family for Thanksgiving.



Instead I was in the Dominican for my best friend's wedding.  Nikki and I have been friends since the first week of college.  We've been through so much growing up together.  Lots of good and some bad and even though we haven't lived in the same state for the last eight years we still love each other like sisters, so this was one wedding I was not going to miss- even if it meant missing Thanksgiving. 

I was so happy to be there with her on the day that my beautiful friend became a wife...




look at all that beautiful hair!


Nikki's sweet sister watching her get ready.


There are no cuter ring bearers than these sweeties.

This is the beginning of my reading- notice I'm still smiling- I barely choked through it!


All the proud parents.

We were Nikki's "something blues"- I love all of these beautiful ladies!


It was an AMAZING weekend, so full of love and happiness- just as Thanksgiving should be.

There was also an amazing amount of fun and eating packed into this 3 and a half day vacation...

Mom and I at the wedding- Okay I was with one family member.

posing with "beach Marisa"- my sister couldn't make it but I brought her in paper form.:)

"party Marisa" makes it to the wedding!

rockin' out with the bride- see pregnant people can still be fun!

shots!  Don't worry mine was pineapple juice- wahn, whaa :(

"Party Marisa" making the rounds.

trying to get a tan on my bump- I like this pic because I don't look like a hippopotamus- but I have to be honest, the bump is MUCH bigger than it looks...

Annnnd I'm pretty sure it doubled in size after all the all you can eat everything- which I did.  Hey I'm 26 weeks give me a break!

I was a little obsessed with the flamingos, so cute :)

And before I could leave I had to get in one picture of us in our classic pose.  When you meet someone at 18 this is what happens- I guess we still have some growing up to do. :)

Good times.